Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dogs by: Emily Everett

This might be my favorite picture book that I have read - possibly ever. To start off, the book has amazing pictures of detailed dogs of all different breeds. The book is perfect for young readers who are not yet very confident in their reading skills. The book is repetative, "I love big dogs and I love small dogs." Although the text is simple, the adorable pictures of the different breeds being compared to eachother keep the reader engaged and excited as to what dog is going to come next. I cannot rave enough about the illustrations particularly because they have such finite detail that takes such a simple piece of literature (text wise) and makes it something extraordinary. I have enjoyed many of the books this semester but this was has something special about it that you can only understand through going to the library and checking it out!

Grades: PreK- 3rd grade (adults will love it too!)