Friday, May 7, 2010

Gloria Goes to Gay Pride

A small child, Gloria explains going to the Gay Pride Parade with her moms. The story is incredibly normal, and is told from Gloria's perspective as she talks about the normalcy of her life without explicitly stating that she goes about her life like every other child. The book discusses hate towards Gloria's moms as well as support that the Gay community has for her and her family. Although there might be a huge problem taking this book into a classroom as far as many parents are concerned, I felt that it did nothing other than explain the situation that many children may find themselves in. Reading this to a young classroom would most likely get a positive response from children (I am assuming). We do not give kids enough credit for understanding situations. I would definitely have this in my classroom library, although I am guessing the principal would pull it or fire me after the first parent complaint - unfortunate because I feel that there is great value in exposing this to children at a young age.