Friday, May 7, 2010

The Wall

by: Eve Bunting

How do we approach war with young children? Do we ignore it, especially now in the situation that our nation is in. The Wall tells the story of a son and his father that go to Washington D.C. to find the name of Grandpa, who died in the Vietnam War. It is a touching story that talks about the consequences that war has and how those who are left behind deal with a loss. It is important to not brush over subjects like war, but to instead deal with them in a way that pertains to young children and is appropriate for their age. Although it can be an uncomfortable subject, it should not be left out for that reason alone. Talking with children about current issues makes them aware of the world outside of their little bubble. For children who may have lost a parent in the war, this may be a wonderful book for them to see how others deal with a loss.

Ages: 4-8