Friday, May 7, 2010

Reflection #2

My classroom library has been on my mind lately. I have thought about what books are staples, favorites from my childhood, as well as those that are of interest to children now. I have learned to take a very critical look at books and what they have to offer to those who read them. Do they request that reader thinks in a challenging way? Do they provoke questions? I have begun buying through book orders and looking at what I have at home for my future classroom and I feel that since taking this class, I want to have all of the books ever written in my room. Letting children decide for themselves what "good books" are is truly the most important thing. Reading, in any way is beneficial to the intellectual and emotional growth of children. I am so glad that I was able to blog about the books that I have read and to think about them and talk about them in my own words. Books keeps us thinking, they force us to ask questions and to wonder. I want all of my students to be able to do this. To question the world and not take everything at face value.

This class has offered so much in the way of literature as well as exciting class discussions. I have had such a great time thinking about what children's literature means to me and how I can create a text set for kids in my class. It was exciting to have my own opinion about books (considering I am by no means an "expert") and to share that and have it respected. I felt that the classroom environment that our section set up was one in which I felt comfortable and safe to share my thoughts. The projects force me to go out of my comfort zone - Glogster and the Blogging especially!- and to use new technology. Blogging especially has made me excited about using the Internet to my benefit as a teacher and I know that when I have my own classroom, I will want to set up a Wiki or a blog for my students to use. I will miss Tuesday night with Jen! I will continue to use what I have learned about evaluating and thinking critically about books when I begin building my own library in my classroom.